Hello and Welcome

My name is Vicky. I am based in Burnham and offer face to face and online counselling.

My counselling journey began before I was even consciously aware of it at age 16. It was at a time when I felt uncomfortable with low mood and relationships that seemed chaotic and dysfunctional – aspects perhaps that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. Solace and understanding was sought through talking about my challenges with a spiritual guide. Connecting with traditional eastern teachings such as meditation, yoga, prayer and chanting felt aligned to my core values and needs. This process enabled me to better connect with myself, grounded my energies with the resilience and confidence needed to continue life in more balanced way; thus the seed and passion for self-realisation was sown.

Despite succeeding professionally with a legal career within investment banking for 15 years and social care for 10 years my soul felt unfulfilled. It’s as if my spirit was yearning interconnectedness and service through finding meaning and purpose from my own healing process thus driving me to become an agent of change, self-development and transformation for others. It is to this end, I was drawn to practice Psychosynthesis.

Psychosynthesis is a therapeutic approach that derives from Psychoanalysis focusing on personal growth and development. It is a psychology of hope, with its eye not only on history, but also on a purposeful future giving individuals the capacity to reorient their lives in the direction of meaning and values.

Psychosynthesis is unique in that it’s the only psychology of its kind that takes a transpersonal approach to understanding ‘Self’ and the many realms of the human experience including not only the emotional, cognitive, and physical aspects but energy, soul and spirit too; thus in practice it felt like the only best fit for me.

My life choices reflect the psycho-synthetic evolutionary process described by Assagioli’s theory of the ‘impulse towards wholeness’ as it only then the relationship extends towards serving the ‘greater whole’ – my clients – which is a privilege and honour for me.

The journey in therapy is often to learn to come into relationship with oneself first so that relationship with another and anything that lyes beyond that is possible. The value of the therapeutic relationship is that it evokes the relational struggles that we suffer in our lives so that we are able to become conscious of the deeper dynamics of our suffering and essentially make different and more empowered choices along the way.

The use of Psychosynthesis can extend beyond just therapy and mental health. The core concepts including personal growth and connection between self and others, have been used in education, medicine, and business too.

Begin your path to inner peace with Vicky Gidda.

Empower your psychological wellbeing and initiate your healing journey. Connect with Vicky Gidda to pave the way to a more fulfilling life. Book a session and commence your pursuit of emotional health.